I jumped up on the SMASH book craze back in January, it's so easy to get hooked on it - I did my first post back in February right here - my first page was on Diana, Princess of Wales. That was only a few short months ago, books have accumulated, supplies have multiplied and pages have gotten a bit more creative.
I'm working on four books right now - each book has a category but really you can use them for whatever you want and you can cover up the pages if there's something you don't care for. They get pretty thick but I discovered hair bands at the buck store, just as good as the SMASH brand and way cheaper.
Then, there's the washi tape - oh, dear, is that addicting!!! I also use it on letters and pacakges to pretty them up a little. How long do you think before that other container will be full - probably not long, at the rate I'm going. I never buy it regular price and there are online shops to order from that have such different patterns. I only have Michaels to shop at so the selection doesn't vary that much and like I said, use your coupon or wait for it to come on sale.

I see so many people over on the SMASHaholics group with beautiful craft rooms, I have a small table set up in a spare bedroom and have moved my supplies into the closet - and yes, that's Pyrex Town and Country - full of sharpies. The great thing about this is though, you can use old magazines, print from the internet - it's nice to have some stickers and embellishments but you can do it without. But, it seems that once you start buying all this stuff - that's it - you're drawn into the world of SMASHing! The SMASHaholics group is on Facebook - it's a closed group but all you have to do is request to be included and you can do that right here
So, here's just a few of my pages - this first one I just completed today. It's in the 365 book - some pages you don't think that they're your best and others they seem really great, this one is just ok to me, not one of my favourites!
One of the first things we do when we get home to Prince Edward Island is head to the beach and hunt for sea glass
I use the International book for any and all trips - I SMASHed our whole trip to Florida this winter.
It's not every day that you get to dine at a Trump establishment - thanks to Darcy for treating us to such an unforgettable night. What a good son!!
Loved reading the Nancy Drew books - that's my Nancy Drew game that I still have!
I didn't like the print on these pages so I covered everything except the "A" and SMASHed all "A" things!
This tribute page to The Doors is one of my favourites!
Love this "sweet page"
It was hard to know which pages to share - this is only my second blog post on SMASHing, if you'd like to follow my SMASHing pages, I post every page on Instagram at
mackaypj, more followers is a good thing! I also have a Facebook page for my blog - I post my SMASH stuff there too, along with blog news and other odds and ends - follow me at
Jills's Little Bit. I'm pinning away on Pinterest here - I have lots of great boards - here's the
Today I'm linking up with A Favorite Thing at Mockingbird Hill Cottage - because, this is a favorite thing - SMASHing is such fun!!