Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 12 - Pinned and Liked from Pinterest

It's week 12 on my Pinned and liked from Pinterest  posts!  It's nice to hear from  some of you that try the recipes and are just as happy with the results as I am!

Today I'm sharing my Easter dessert - Coconut Cream Angel Pie, including the pastry.   I was never great at making pie crust but since I've found this recipe, it makes all the difference in the world - the original pin came from The Pioneer Woman - I've made it a few times now, for both cream pies and for fruit pies - I always used to buy the frozen crusts because the pastry never seemed to turn out for me but from the very first time I tried this, it was perfect.  The Coconut Cream Angel Pie recipe comes from Taste of Home,  it's a little more work than a boxed pie filling, but so much better!  I would never go back to boxed!

Coconut Cream Angel Pie with Perfect Pie Crust

I'm linking up today with Weekend Potluck at the Country Cook.    I have twenty six followers on my new Facebook page and that's only 5 days, that makes me happy, I'd like it if you'd follow me too - click here.


  1. Don't you just love the recipes from Pioneer Woman? Last year I posted my mom's handwritten recipe book, but I must shamefully say that the Pioneer Woman's recipes are easier and sometimes more delicious. You might like my Wetcreek Blog.

  2. Hi Jill, I can't make a decent pie crust to save my life...I need to try your recipe, it looks great!

    Congrats on being an "extra" prize winner in my Giveaway! I'll be emailing you for your mailing address. :) Pam
